
Showing posts from January, 2018

Athlete Mental Preperation

Mental Preperation  PsychElite Performance As you know, Taylor's Strength Training, in Liverpool are hosting a varsity championship for power lifting between LJMU and Liverpool University. Danny has helped Liverpool University get prepared for this competition by setting up a partnership with them to make sure they execute the lifts as they should be lifted and helping them with numbers for the day (i am tipping **** to take the title). As the competition is only 2 weeks away, everybody is preparing for the competition by eating right, recovering and lifting. But how many people are mentally preparing for the competition? After all, its just lifting heavy weights, right? Wrong! By focusing on mental preparation just as much as the other factors, it will increase your chances of doing better. 1% better can be the difference between winning and losing. Here are my 3 ways to prepare for better performances.  "In the sports arena, i would say there is nothing like...

Motivation for exercise

Stick To Your New Years Resolutions: Part 1 PsychElite Performance Thomas Regan 09/01/2018 Are you sat on the couch watching TV, with a takeaway and wondering why you cannot get off the couch and go do some exercise? Most likely you are living a sedentary lifestyle and unmotivated to do exercise which can lead to health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Whilst people try and start exercise, 50% of individuals who start a programme drop out in the first 6 months. Does this sound familiar? Well it is down to your motivation but this blog will try to change your perception on exercise behaviour and other behaviours that you want to change. There are two main types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is the feeling of doing exercise because you enjoy it and are competent in it (love a challenge). Extrinsic motivation is the feeling of doing exercise for the result. There is also 'Amotivation' but, in my op...